Saturday, May 19, 2012

The "Home and Garden Expo" is now open

And I'm proud of showcasing in there this year, together with many great creators.

For this Expo I've worked hard in releasing many new items. I'll post them later in the week. The ones I'm showing now, and that I hope help in raising funds, are these:


There's a story in my life that makes crystal roses to be so special to me. I thought that this would be a good moment to introduce my own.


This fountain will fit any spot from your garden. It controls, via a menu, the sound (to turn it on/off) and the light that comes from the base (also to turn it on/off.) You may also decide who will take control over these settings, as the menu incorporates an access management to set it to owner only, everybody, or just the group the fountain is rezzed under.

Enjoy, and remember that the Expo will run until May 28th!

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